
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Chalk-A-Bration 2

It doesn't take long,
not hard to find a space.
Go get some chalk
and poetry the place!

Chalk and poetry now seem to just go together and I hope you will join in the Chalk-A-Bration today, and on the following dates:
June 30th
July 31st
August 31st 

Please link your chalk poetry and/or illustration below in the Mister Linky. For the back story on this idea and more specific instructions visit here.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Are You Dreaming?

 Poetry Friday is hosted by the amazingly supportive blogger, Linda Baie at TeacherDance


You who pays no mind
to the rules.

a ruse.

You don't fit in those shoes.

who will actually
be you.

No carbon copy,
not a bird who flocks,
but a YOU
who travels

not knowing stops.


Go out hunting
those dreams
tie them down
as they fret.

Don't doubt them,
your dreams,
they are yours
in your net.

As you grow
they'll wise up and
may try to escape.

So, hold tightly,
those dreams are for you
no mistake.

Inspiration lurks in so many places, surprising places. I just finished listening to the audio book Clementine, by Sara Pennypacker with my kids on our way to and from school this week. What a timely story, a timely character to meet.  My students are in that mode of "shut down." I am often perplexed by those who do not conform to school routines, those who go their own way. Yet, I appreciate them. They don't make my job easy, my job shouldn't be. They don't jump when I say jump, they shouldn't. They should be who they are, learn as they go and become something brilliant and amazing that they can take full credit for. I hope for them that they continue to be creative, bold, courageous and be who they set out to be. I hope they don't lose sight of their dreams and that they "decide what to be and go be it," (The Avett Brothers, Head Full of Doubt, Road Full of Promise).

Chalk-A-Bration 2 is May 31st. Welcome soon to be summer with a poem on the ground for others to enjoy. Check it out here.


Friday, May 18, 2012

A Very Inspired Poetry Friday

Visit Write. Sketch. Repeat for great Poetry Friday offerings!
I have to credit a few people for helping inspire this poem. Linda at TeacherDance introduced me to the idea of Looking Long and a John Moffit poem that does just that. Ruth Ayres from {} inspired me with a challenge to look at color more closely. From a silent little spot a poem started, then got freshened with color and from there came the illustration of a single dew drops journey. I'd like to ride a dew drop one day and sit among the leaves and their quiet whispers.


I wait there
waking slowly
Almost grown
With daybreak stretched.

The golden sheen of
Sunlit specks
Slide toward me,
Spheres of wet.

They swallow me,
I'm sliding
To the sunlit tip I go.

The stem bends,
Shade descends,
The hues of green
turn bright.

Yellow speckled sunlight
Bouncing, burning
Once stout
Now light.

In a blinding free fall
As I dance

And twist

My fall softened
By a drape of

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Sequel

Staring in
the morning dark
I see the day
about to embark.

I tiptoe slowly
to my spot,
quiet whispers,
my day unlocks.

I relax,
my minutes fade
but I am ready
for the day.

It was the kind of morning that is filled with a headache and stumbling as my husband and I awoke from a frequently woken slumber. That feeling where you are not refreshed but you are enough to get going, so you do. I have an early meeting, only a minute to spare, so I sat down to write my slice. It reminded me of a poem called Just I wrote a while back; it almost feels like a sequel. I have referenced "staring" in my posts lately because I have that tense end of year feeling. You all know, it is so full of emotions. I have so much I want to do yet I don't really feel like I have a whole lot more to give. I just want to sit in the sand and recharge. But, I will do the day anyway, as many of you will. It will come and go and onto the next and before I know it I will long for school again.

Friday, May 4, 2012

A New Notebook

 Poetry Friday is hosted by Wild Rose Reader!

A Notebooks First Page

The thoughts are coming,
I hear them on their way.

Like butterflies
Not promising to stay.

Here they are
Imprinted on the page.

Words fluttering
then settling
Now permanently placed.

I got a new purse the other day. As I was un-filling the old and filling up the new I realized there was no way my current notebook was going to fit. Oh no...or...wait, a new notebook!!!  And off to the bookstore I went to peruse the newest selection of compact notebooks. Then, there is sat, in my new purse, for a week, no words.  Hmmmm. I was a bit perplexed, that first page is always so important, what will it say. Then it hit me, so I wrote. And now, my notebook is officially broken in and ready for action!

(Notebook scribbles...I don't keep it pretty)!