
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Thanku for Thanksgiving

My Thanku is a thanks to the communities that have become a driving force in both my learning and growth as a teacher of writers. I would not be sprouting into the teacher I am without your kind words. It is truly gratifying!

Sprouts of happiness
Words collect sunshine and rain
Communities grow

Yesterday I heard about a two week challenge at Teaching Authors on Linda's blog Teacherdance.

Write a poem of thanks in any form, but haiku are especially welcome. I wrote one in the comments of a fellow blogger and from there wrote a new one to post here as my Thanku submission.
I hope you will submit your own Thanku and check out the roundup at Teaching Authors on November 30th!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Revealing Trees

Many thanks to Anastasia at Booktalking, our Poetry Friday host today. Fill up with some delicious poetry today and all weekend. There's plenty!

I notice you
your leaves have ceased.
Dendrite limbs
reveal abandoned homes
of twigs and time.
In circadian rhythm
I passed each day
not knowing the teams of life
that sat chirping and cheeping
in the crooks of your trunk.