Friday, March 8, 2013


I am underfoot
kicked up
I ride the breeze.

Past your eyelid
bathed in rays
but never to be seen.

White and feather like
I float
but eventually, I fall.

I have no eyes
but see your light
and grow toward your call.

A while back I wrote about A Summer Dandelion. I got very wrapped up in the poem/story and worked on it in my notebook for several weeks following the original post. I illustrated several parts of the poem, trying to imagine what the journey would be like for a dandelion seed. I find myself going back to this idea of a dandelion seed, free, floating, then settling. That a dandelion has many beginnings and endings as it grows, releases seeds and starts again. I thought about the sunny days dandelions rely on imagining the sun calling the seeds to wake up and grow. From that picture in my mind came this poem.

Today is Poetry Friday. You can find more poetry at My Juicy Little Universe, where Heidi will be rounding up the days poetry offerings.

Check out Two Writing Teachers for a healthy helping of slices during the March Slice of Life Challenge. 


  1. I loved the first poem, A Summer Dandelion. The rhythm and sound of it were enticing. It made me yearn a little more for spring. I also enjoyed the new incarnation of your dandelion. It has a very different feel and rhythm, but also pleasing. It's interesting to see your two poems side by side. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I like the way the dandelion tells the story. They are an intriguing plant, loved by kids, detested by adults.

  3. This is a lovely piece! Fitting personification, great assonance in "bathed in rays", and some sweet sneaky rhyme to end the last two stanazs. Nice! :)
