
Tuesday, July 2, 2013


the waterfall wrapped itself around my ankles
as its spray lifted over my head and I was misted
smile stretching hands over head
I stand in a back bend welcoming the wet

Can you see this poem? I have a vivid image and hope that I am doing this right now as I am exploring the woods on a nature adventure.

Come slice with us slicers over at the Two Writing Teachers blog with Stacey and Ruth!


  1. I can see it!
    I feel the mist!

  2. Yes! I've leaned far back to feel that, Betsy. Ah-h! Sounds beautiful too! Wi-fi in the tent-imagine!

  3. Love that invitational first line - it sounds delightful! I, too, am amazed at the idea of wi-fi i a tent...camping has changed!

  4. I'm so glad that your poem came out, in your tent. I also love that you are a dandelion chaser forever! xo

  5. Wi FI in the tent????? Hmmm maybe I COULD go camping again!

  6. Yep I see it, Betsy. I was misted yesterday but not in that romantic way you were. I was caught in an unpleasant New Jersey downpour. I wish I had been with you,
    Bonnie K

  7. I love this line: "the waterfall wrapped itself around my ankles." I can imagine the sights, feel the mist and wish it was my ankles! I could do camping with WIFI but I'm not too sure about all those mosquitoes! Have a great trip!

  8. Beautiful image. I can feel it, too.

  9. You painted a beautiful, sensual poem with your words. I will imagine it during the next hot spell to help me cool. Wi-fi in a tent. Camping sure has changed!

  10. Wonderful! (And the fact that you have WiFi in a tent:))

  11. I love the way you think in poetry. Beautiful vision created by words.

  12. i love your alliteration that bookends this poem beginning with waterfall wrapped & ending with welcoming the wet. Yes, I stood with you stretching hands over head, but had to stop at the backbend!

  13. I see it and feel the refreshing mist. Thanks for sharing a piece from your outing adventure.
