
Friday, September 27, 2013

Evening of Laughter

Go visit The Poem Farm with Amy Ludwig VanDerwater for the roundup! 

I was lucky this evening to share a dinner table with Mary Lee Hahn, Cathy Mere, Deb Frazier and Marie Nixon. What great company and there was lots of laughter. I kept talking about how I didn't have a poem for today. I kept seeing things on my drive all afternoon that would be great, but got nothing. I had little nuggets and lines but it all sounded so random. So, I decided a random poem was in order. It turned out not so random after least not entirely. :)
I hope you all had a lovely Poetry Friday.

a random
dairy dream
ocean breeze
cool night air
goes up my sleeve
sitting here
watching there
warmth and laughter
my hair a net
to capture life
I hold it close
all through the night.


  1. What a marvelous group to have dinner with-I imagine it was great fun, Betsy. I wondered where you were today! I think your 'random' poem turned out more put together than random, but I do see some interesting parts that sneaked in. I love that "cool night air/goes up my sleeve"! Happy Friday!

  2. Lucky you to have such company to share! And a lovely poem to capture the experience, too.

  3. How nice of you to be thinking of us, even while you weren't sure what to share! Your notebook reminds me of Amy's Sharing Our Notebooks.

  4. I like "my hair a net to capture life."

  5. Betsy,
    It was a great night, I left feeling as though I made a new friend that ironically I had known all my life~
    Love the contrast of the cool night air with warmth and laughter- Last night was truly a collection of beautiful random events.

  6. I love "my hair a net". What a lucky gal to have dinner with those people.

  7. There is something about that "dairy dream" that just won't let me go! What a grand dinner party! Thank you for still posting for Friday - and for the peek into your notebook. Might I convince you to share at Sharing Our Notebooks? Happy Poetry Sunday!
