
Friday, October 11, 2013

Morning Quiet Song

Take a peek into some poetry at Writing the World for Kids with Laura Purdie Salas. You can also find me over at Amy Ludwig VanDerwater's blog Sharing Our Notebooks.
Here is my Poetry Friday haiku of a morning quiet song.

in morning stillness 
one cricket chirps in the dark
stars turn into sun


  1. Love this. Love my early morning walks in the dark with the crickets.

  2. Beautiful--you've packed so much into this brief haiku. It is bursting with dawn!

  3. Stars turn into sun... interesting image! Thanks for sharing your morning!

  4. Nice, Becky! I love hearing one cricket chirp in the darkness.

  5. So sweet those hands... Last night I read a new verse novel - SERENDIPITY AND ME by Judith L. Roth - in which a child's hand is described as a bagel with fingers... That pudginess! Bittersweet... Thank you, Betsy! Happy PF!
